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16 Signs That You Are a Slave Living in the Matrix

Sábado, 03.05.14



You pay taxes to people you’d like to see locked up in jail.

You go to the doctor, but you’re still sick.

You’ve picked Team Democrat or Team Republican and argue with your friends, family and co-workers about politics.

You work hard doing something you hate to earn fiat dollars.

You’re willing to accrue personal debt to fund the acquisition of consumer a consumer oriented lifestyle.

You converse with real people about the ongoing happenings of TV shows.

You don’t have anything to hide from total surveillance.

You think the world would be safer it only governments had guns.



You knowingly drink fluoridated water.

You knowingly consume toxic poisons like MSG and Aspartame.

You depend on the pharmaceutical industrial complex for the management of your own mental health. 

You haven’t yet stopped watching your local and national news programming.

You’re more concerned with televised sports or other mindless distractions than you are with the quality of your natural environment. 

You’re skeptical of any area of life that hasn’t been ‘proven’ or validated by modern science.

You’ve never questioned the popularized version of ancient history and the origins of our civilization.

You haven’t yet realized that you are a spiritual being living a human experience.


(texto: Sigmund Fraud/Waking Times – imagens: Web)

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 00:23