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Quarta-feira, 09.02.11

Grande Hotel da Beira - Moçambique - Depois


African luxury hotel now massive squat

David Pescovitz


Seen above is the Grande Hotel in Beira, Mozambique, a 50-year-old luxury hotel that is currently booked solid, by several thousand squatters who live there without electricity or running water. JG Ballard would have had a field day with this one – a large self-organizing community of refugees living in what was once a palace of excess. Belgian filmmaker Lotte Stoops recently completed a documentary about this amazing self-organizing community of refugees living in what was once a palace of excess.



Grande Hotel da Beira - Moçambique - Antes


"Tourists come from England, Germany and Austria"



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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 03:20


Quarta-feira, 09.02.11



Olhamos para o Sol e não vemos nada.

Ficamos cegos, de tanto ver!

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 02:52