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Surf na Nazaré

Quarta-feira, 30.01.13

O surfista norte-americano natural do Havai Garrett McNamara cavalga uma onda de 30 metros na Praia do Norte, situada na vila portuguesa da Nazaré – batendo o seu recorde pessoal no que se refere à altura da onda.


Nazaré – Praia do Norte


Apesar de ser considerado um dos melhores locais para a prática do surf, a imagem mostra bem o que pode acontecer se algo correr mal na tentativa de tentar dominar a onda: levar com a onda em cima ou ser atirado contra as rochas.


(notícia – The Times)

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 12:12

Odor a oxigénio

Quarta-feira, 30.01.13
  • The Quantum Theory of Smell




A controversial theory that the way we smell involves a quantum physics effect has received a boost, following experiments with human subjects. It challenges the notion that our sense of smell depends only on the shapes of molecules we sniff in the air. Instead, it suggests that the molecules’ vibrations are responsible.


Molecules can be viewed as a collection of atoms on springs, so the atoms can move relative to one another. Energy of just the right frequency – a quantum – can cause the “springs” to vibrate, and in a 1996 paper [the theory's creator] Dr. Lucia Turin said it was these vibrations that explained smell.


A way to test it is with two molecules of the same shape, but with different vibrations. A new report shows that humans can distinguish the two…In double-blind tests, in which neither the experimenter nor the participant knew which sample was which, subjects were able to distinguish between the two versions of the molecule cyclopentadecanone.


  • Atmospheric Oxygen Levels Are Dropping Faster Than Atmospheric Carbon Levels Are Rising




The rise in carbon dioxide emissions is big news. It is prompting action to reverse global warming. But little or no attention is being paid to the long-term fall in oxygen concentrations and its knock-on effects.


Compared to prehistoric times, the level of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere has declined by over a third and in polluted cities the decline may be more than 50%. This change in the makeup of the air we breathe has potentially serious implications for our health. Indeed, it could ultimately threaten the survival of human life on earth.


In the 20th century, humanity has pumped increasing amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning the carbon stored in coal, petroleum and natural gas. In the process, we’ve also been consuming oxygen and destroying plant life – cutting down forests at an alarming rate and thereby short-circuiting the cycle’s natural rebound. We’re artificially slowing down one process and speeding up another, forcing a change in the atmosphere.


Evidence from prehistoric times indicates that the oxygen content of pristine nature was above the 21% of total volume that it is today. It has decreased in recent times due mainly to the burning of coal in the middle of the last century. Currently the oxygen content of the Earth’s atmosphere dips to 19% over impacted areas, and it is down to 12 to 17% over the major cities. At these levels it is difficult for people to get sufficient oxygen to maintain bodily health: it takes a proper intake of oxygen to keep body cells and organs, and the entire immune system, functioning at full efficiency. At the levels we have reached today cancers and other degenerative diseases are likely to develop. And at 6 to 7% life can no longer be sustained.


(artigos –

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 11:31