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Automóvel em Marte

Sábado, 19.04.14

Numa foto tirada a partir da câmara do telescópio HiRISE colocada a bordo da sonda norte-americana MRO (em órbita ao planeta Marte), pode-se ver na sua parte inferior a imagem de um veículo desconhecido estacionado sobre a superfície marciana. A veracidade desta foto é confirmada pelo engenheiro da NASA Bobak Ferdowsky.


Veículo na região marciana de The Kimberley

(podendo-se ainda ver o traçado deixado pelas rodas)


Trata-se na realidade de um ROVER transportado desde a Terra até ao planeta Marte pela sonda CURIOSITY, encontrando-se neste momento numa missão de exploração na superfície do Planeta Vermelho, na zona conhecida como THE KIMBERLEY. Aí serão realizados trabalhos de perfuração no solo marciano, na procura de material orgânico e de vestígios de vida (como fósseis).

(imagem – NASA)

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 02:37

O Milagre de Fátima

Sábado, 19.04.14



A recent example is the repeated appearance of a typical UFO phenomenology at Fatima, Portugal on six successive months in 1917. The October 13 phenomenon was the best reported and was witnessed by a crowd of about 70,000 persons, including a number of scientists, reporters, atheists, and agnostics, as wel as faithful Catholics. One of the scientifically curious was Dr. A Garrett of the University of Coimbra. Rain, which had been falling that day, ceased and the crowd looked up to see the "sun" now visible through the heavy clouds. Professor Garrett wrote, "...I turned toward this (sun) which was attracting all eyes and I could see it like a disk with a clear cut edge, with a vivid rim, luminous and shining, but without hurting one. The comparison I have heard at Fatima with a disk of dull silver, does not seem to me exact. It was a clearer, more vivid, richer color and with shifting tints like the luster of a pearl. It was not at all like the moon on a clear transparent night, for one saw and felt it like a living star. Nor was it spherical like the moon, nor did it have the same quality of lighter and less light. It looked like a burnished wheel cut out of mother-of-pearl. Nor could it be confused with the sun seen through a fog -- there was no fog... This disc spun dizzily round. It was not the twinkling of a star: it whirled round upon itself with mad rapidity... The sun, preserving the celerity of its rotation, detached itself from the firmament and advanced, blood-red, towards the earth, threatening to crush us with the weight of its vast and fiery mass. These moments made a terrifying impression."


(RAND Corporation – UFOs: What to do? –

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 02:34