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A Suíça está Louca (ou será estratégia?)

Quarta-feira, 28.01.15

Quando um leigo em economia vê um estado como a Suíça recusar a equiparação da sua moeda com a moeda Europeia (como se de uma praga se tratasse), só podemos ficar a pensar em tudo o que estará por trás deste esquema. Nunca se esqueçam da especificidade Suíça, dos Estados Unidos e da sua política na Europa (em que o seu adversário é a Rússia).



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Swiss De-Pegging Reveals Worthless Western Currencies


Jeff Nielson, 21 January 2015
Bullion Bulls Canada


A major economic event has occurred. The government of Switzerland ended its “peg” to the euro with its own currency, the Swiss franc. This resulted in the franc catapulting higher in its exchange rate versus the euro (as well as other currencies). We know this is a major economic event, because the Corporate media has expended a considerable amount of time/energy “covering” and “explaining” this event.


However, as all regular readers know; the Corporate media doesn’t engage in its coverage and explanations to provide information to the general public. It does so to provide misinformation, i.e. propaganda. We see this dishonesty evidenced by the efforts of the Corporate media to portray this move as a surprise.


The Swiss National Bank stunned markets on Thursday, when it scrapped its three-year-old peg of 1.20 Swiss francs per euro.


The obvious question which arises in the minds of those viewing this lie is this: since the Swiss government had no choice but to end the peg; how can doing something it had to do be considered a surprise? This question becomes “obvious” as soon as readers are given an explanation of how a government “pegs” a currency, and why a government pegs a currency – something which the propaganda machine refuses to do.


“Pegging” a currency is a simple, brute-force act of market manipulation. Indeed, the manipulation is directly implied in the term itself. In a world of (supposedly) “floating markets”; one government endeavours to literally “fix” its currency to another, at a constant rate of exchange. As regular readers have been told on many previous occasions; no form of market manipulation can be maintained permanently, since any ongoing manipulation creates greater and greater economic imbalances – and thus ever-increasing “pressure” in markets to correct this imbalance.


Therefore the day that Switzerland’s government began this act of currency manipulation, it already knew that this could only be a temporary band-aid. Thus we immediately see that the efforts of the Corporate media to depict this as a surprise are obvious lies. But it brings us to the second question (which the Corporate media also refuses to answer/explain); why did Switzerland’s government originally feel compelled to engage in this unsustainable policy of market-manipulation?


Typically, when one government seeks to “peg” (fix) its currency versus another currency, it is a stronger currency being pegged to a weaker currency, as we saw with China’s peg to the U.S. dollar. The motive for stronger currencies being pegged to weaker ones is relatively simple.


When a currency rises in value; this is almost always good for the people of that jurisdiction, but usually bad for the government. Why is this? Simple. As holders of that currency; the people naturally benefit, because as the currency rises in value, so does their purchasing-power – they get more “bang” for every “buck”.


Conversely, as (inevitably) the biggest Debtor of that currency; governments don’t like to see their currency rise in value because it increases the “size” of their debts (in real dollars). The second reason why governments like to debase their currencies (rather than allow them to rise in value), is the silly “import/export game” in which nearly all governments now engage.




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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 22:13