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O Enigmático Continente da Antártida

Terça-feira, 28.02.17

“O Imaginário é uma das partes constituintes de um Todo, de que também faz parte a Realidade.”




Enquanto por cá nos entretemos a comemorar o Carnaval importado anual e sistematicamente do Brasil (nesta maciça colonização cultural tendo tido nela enorme influência as novelas brasileiras do pós-25 de Abril) – e em vez de colocarmos máscaras para fazermos o que nos der na gana e que durante todos os restantes dias do ano infelizmente não nos permitem fazer – mais uma vez nos escondemos covardemente, agora atrás de uma segunda barreira (máscara) imitando os gestos e os tiques daqueles que nos controlam e que deveríamos necessariamente questionar: ou estará tudo de tal maneira bem no Mundo que nem necessitaremos mais de opções e alternativas?


E até como os burros não usam palas (somos nós que lá as colocamos) é sempre bom ser como eles e ir indo ou recusando.


O que se poderá aplicar ao caso aqui a seguir referido dos acontecimentos eventualmente a decorrerem na Antártida, com uns a verem nas evacuações algo de estranho e até podendo sugerir a presença de outras entidades desconhecidas no terreno (aqui enterradas no gelo, podendo ser de origem alienígena e potencialmente perigosos), enquanto outros acompanhando desde o início todo o processo e apontando para tal procedimento como sendo normal (até pela manutenção das condições mínimas de proteção e de segurança para quem lá se encontra – sendo a evacuação apenas mais uma dessas estratégias) o referem como motivado pela presença de uma grande fratura progredindo perigosamente no terreno (um fenómeno natural ligado ao aquecimento global – e à participação artificial do homem). 


Mass Evacuation Of Antarctica Happening Just Now

All Civilians and Scientists Being Flown Out

Special Ops And Military Moving In



snapshot 1.jpg


I'm a civilian contractor for a defense industry company you've probably heard of.
We sell advanced hardware and electronic gear mainly to the US Army and Marines. Inhandle a lot of the logistics for moving mass quantities of this shit around.

I was enjoying a few brews this Saturday when I got called in for an emergency. I didn't think much of it until I got there and there were some heavy hitter top brass there I've never seen. We work closely with the military so when a bunch of Colonels show up I never met I knew some serious business was in the works. On top of that some of them looked really panicked. Can't divulge much but I can say there is an instant order to move a shit ton of some badass state of the art gear down to Antarctica. And also found out all civilians are getting evacced asap.

That is all I know. But never seen anything like this before. Thought I'd pass it along.


( – Anonymous Coward – Use ID: 71009535 – USA – 25.02.2017)


Antarctic Researchers Forced to Evacuate

Due to Ice Shelf Melting

Larsen Ice Shelf is rapidly decaying causing sea level raise





Antarctic researchers were forced to evacuate an area because of massive ice shelf melting. Changes which occurred in the Larsen Ice Shelf since the 1980s. The ice continues to tear apart. A huge crack in the Larsen C ice shelf is bound to free an iceberg as big as Delaware from the continent.


The massive Larsen Ice Shelf is located on the northeast coast of the Antarctic Peninsula along the Weddell Sea.


Researcher (Carl Anton Larsen, a Norwegian explorer) analyzed parts of the ice shelf in 1893. Based on the data provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), since 1995, this massive ice shelf in the Arctic continuously melted, losing 75% of its mass.


A study from 2004 shows that Antarctic researchers from NSIDC have revealed that massive sheets of ice have accelerated their course toward the sea.


( – Adam Martin – 09-02.2017)


E sendo assim, encerradas todas as festividades de Carnaval e guardadas as máscaras até ao próximo ano, lá voltaremos nós à triste e irremediável monotonia de nosso quotidiano consolidado (definido como realidade), repondo a nossa imagem referida como natural e no entanto escondendo atrás dela as nossas trombas de elefante – perdido o marfim e o poder. Mas ainda antes destes 365 dias oficiais se passarem (de monotonia e certamente de miséria para a maioria dos 7 biliões de terrestres), podendo-se ainda ter a esperança de por qualquer motivo que percecionemos e nos sensibilize (se ainda tivermos os nossos órgãos dos sentidos ativos e disponíveis) sermos sobressaltados nem que seja oficiosamente e por alguns de nós pretensamente em delírio. Mas o que distinguirá o Imaginário do Real, a Loucura da Normalidade, o Bem do Mal, a Matéria da Energia? Certamente nada, fazendo tudo parte do mesmo. Sendo que o problema não estará na anormalidade (se espontânea – num elemento natural) mas no que dirá o Anormal (se condicionado – um elemento artificial).


(imagens: – UFOmania/ –

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 20:07

Universe Today – Mars

Terça-feira, 28.02.17

[Para todos aqueles que assiduamente visitam Marte – através da observação dos registos enviados pelas diversas sondas aí colocadas (na sua órbita ou no próprio solo marciano) – mais umas quantas imagens (9) sendo muitas delas familiares (já que as tínhamos visto antes e registado na nossa memória), que nos elucidam um pouco mais sobre o que estamos a ver (nuns casos confirmando a certeza, noutros casos tirando-nos as dúvidas, ou então, retirando-nos simplesmente as palas).]



Wow, Mars Sure Can Be Pretty

(Evan Gough –


For a supposedly dead world, Mars sure provides a lot of eye candy. The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRise) aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) is our candy store for stunning images of Mars.



This colorful image of Martian bedrock, punctuated in the center by dunes, is courtesy of the HiRise camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter


Recently, HiRise gave us this stunning image (above) of colorful, layered bedrock on the surface of Mars. Notice the dunes in the center. The colors are enhanced, which makes the images more useful scientifically, but it’s still amazing.


HiRise has done it before, of course. It’s keen vision has fed us a steady stream of downright jaw-dropping images of Elon Musk’s favorite planet. Check out this image of Gale Crater taken by HiRise to celebrate its 10 year anniversary orbiting Mars. This image was captured in March 2016.



HiRise captured this image of unusual textures on the floor of the Gale Crater, the same crater where the Curiosity rover is working


The MRO is approaching its 11 year anniversary around Mars. It has completed over 45,000 orbits and has taken over 216,000 images. The next image is of a fresh impact crater on the Martian surface that struck the planet sometime between July 2010 and May 2012. The impact was in a dusty area, and in this color-enhanced image the fresh crater looks blue because the impact removed the red dust.



This color-enhanced image of a fresh Martian crater was captured by the HiRise camera


These landforms on the surface of Mars are still a bit of a mystery. It’s possible that they formed in the presence of an ancient Martian ocean, or perhaps glaciers. Whatever the case, they are mesmerizing to look at.



These odd ridges are still a mystery. Were they formed by glaciers? Oceans?


Many images of the Martian surface have confounded scientists, and some of them still do. But some, though they look puzzling and difficult to explain, have more prosaic explanations. The image below is a large area of intersecting sand dunes.



What is this? A vast area of Martian rice paddies? Lizard skin? Nope, just an area of intersecting sand dunes


The surface of Mars is peppered with craters, and HiRise has imaged many of them. This double crater was caused by a meteorite that split in two before hitting the surface.



This double impact crater was caused by a meteorite that split into two before hitting Mars. Notice how the eroding force of the wind has shaped each crater the same, smoothing one edge and creating dunes in the same place


The image below shows gullies and dunes at the Russell Crater. In this image, the field of dunes is about 30 km long. This image was taken during the southern winter, when the carbon dioxide is frozen. You can see the frozen CO2 as white on the shaded side of the ridges. Scientists think that the gullies are formed when the CO2 melts in the summer.



These gullies are on the dunes of Russell Crater on Mars. This image was taken during winter, and the frozen carbon dioxide on the shaded slopes


The next image is also the Russell Crater. It’s an area of study for the HiRise team, which means more Russell eye candy for us. This images shows the dunes, CO2 frost, and dust devil tracks that punctuate the area.



This image of the Russell Crater, an area of study for HiRise, shows the area covered in dunes, with some frost visible in the lower left. The larger, darker markings are dust devil tracks


One of the main geological features on Mars is the Valles Marineris, the massive canyon system that dwarfs the Grand Canyon here on Earth. HiRise captured this image of delicate dune features inside Valles Marineris.



These delicate dune features formed inside the Valles Mariners, the massive canyon system on Mars


The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is still going strong. In fact, it continues to act as a communications relay for surface rovers. The HiRise camera is along for the ride, and if the past is any indication, it will continue to provide astounding images of Mars.

And we can’t seem to get enough of them.


(Evan Gough – Wow, Mars Sure Can Be Pretty – 24.02.2017 – Universe Today)


[imagens: NASA]

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 14:29