Um espelho que reflecte a vida, que passa por nós num segundo (espelho)
Captain MWTB – Is Going Up
Most White Than Black
Captain Obama is back in space to fight with – and not without – the Aliens.
He thinks dangerous people are already living in our planet and the only way to fight back stays outer limits: like God taking care of us from the Sky with a little help of some friends.
The President of the World is now Captain in Command of International Space Station, coming from Earth in a Russian rocket and being supported by the Alien people.
Far from home but near the heart of the North-Americans, Obama is now looking to Crimea and searching for WW3 at the same time he looks to Asia and think of MH370, China and Iran: what could Aliens do for the USA?
To protect is own people and The Greatest Nation on Earth the President decides to declare martial law on land so the Aliens can do it: kill the terrorists and the others forces of Evil only interested in Darkness and blocking the Future.
Next Step: to read The Bible and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
(texto: APP/Alien Planet Press – imagem: Web)