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Nuclear War Is Getting Increasingly Likely

Quinta-feira, 25.11.21

While mainstream western media have been spending their time concern trolling about a “missing” Chinese tennis player who is not actually missing,


Hardly any coverage has gone toward NATO’s announcement that if the new German government does not continue to allow US nuclear weapons on its soil those weapons will be relocated to the east of Germany. This would put them closer to Russia’s border, a major provocation of Moscow and yet another step forward in the western empire’s steadily escalating game of nuclear brinkmanship. (23.11.2021)

Meanwhile the US is considering sending more weapons to Ukraine as tensions mount between Moscow and Kiev, and Vladimir Putin is warning that western powers are ignoring Russia’s red lines which are meant to serve as a deterrent to prevent escalation into full-blown nuclear war. The cold war against China has been continually ramping up as well and appears likely to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.



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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 12:44