Um espelho que reflecte a vida, que passa por nós num segundo (espelho)
Antibióticos & AncientBiotics
Mais uma confirmação de que o conhecimento científico dos nossos antepassados, era igual ou mesmo superior ao nosso (como também poderia ser inferior). Ou de como uma poção artesanal e com mais de 1.000 anos, poderia destruir uma poderosa super-bactéria como o MRSA. Utilizando apenas ingredientes como o alho, a cebola, o vinho e até bílis do estômago de uma vaca. Taxa de sucesso (em biopsias realizadas em cobaias): 90%. A Ler.
A medieval remedy for modern day superbugs?
(30 Mar 2015)
A one thousand year old Anglo-Saxon remedy for eye infections which originates from a manuscript in the British Library has been found to kill the modern-day superbug MRSA in an unusual research collaboration at The University of Nottingham.
Dr Christina Lee, an Anglo-Saxon expert from the School of English has enlisted the help of microbiologists from University’s Centre for Biomolecular Sciences to recreate a 10th century potion for eye infections from Bald’s Leechbook an Old English leatherbound volume in the British Library, to see if it really works as an antibacterial remedy. The Leechbook is widely thought of as one of the earliest known medical textbooks and contains Anglo-Saxon medical advice and recipes for medicines, salves and treatments.
Early results on the 'potion', tested in vitro at Nottingham and backed up by mouse model tests at a university in the United States, are, in the words of the US collaborator, “astonishing”. The solution has had remarkable effects on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which is one of the most antibiotic-resistant bugs costing modern health services billions.
In: AncientBiotics – a medieval remedy for modern day superbugs?
(texto e imagem: Emma Rayner/