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The Hacker

Quarta-feira, 10.08.11

Hacker group Anonymous promises to kill Facebook


The hacker group known as Anonymous reportedly has a new target – Facebook


"If you are hactivist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy."


"Everything you do on Facebook stays on Facebook regardless of your privacy settings, and deleting your account is impossible."


"Think for a while, and prepare for a day that will go down in history."


"This is our world now. We exist without nationality, without religious bias. We have the right to not be surveilled, not be stalked, and not be used for profit. We have the right to not live as slaves."


Anonymous allegedly told the FBI earlier this year: "Your threats to arrest us, are meaningless to us as you cannot arrest an idea. There is nothing - absolutely nothing - you can possibly to do make us stop."


The Huffington Post

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 14:45