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USA Earthquake and Volcano

Sexta-feira, 19.06.15


O que acontece quando o Sol adormece?


No Mundo onde vivemos uma das maiores Evidências que desde muito cedo interiorizamos e compreendemos é que Nunca estamos Sós porque tudo está Interligado: uma ideia bem clara no pensamento do químico francês Lavoisier (inspirado por outro cientista o russo Lomonosov) ao afirmar categoricamente que “na Natureza nada se cria, nada se perde, tudo se transforma”. Vivendo nós num sistema planetário inserido e movimentando-se numa determinada região do Espaço, é natural que na sua zona interior algumas leis de agregação e formação de conjuntos ordenados se façam sentir mais intensamente, até pela proximidade do foco principal de atracção, no nosso caso o Sol. Não sendo pois de espantar que a actividade deste astro de referência (deste sistema planetário) possa afectar mais ou menos intensamente todo o conjunto agrupado à sua volta, conforme o mesmo se encontrar num período de maior ou menor actividade Interna. E com o Sol a entrar num período aparentemente de maior acalmia, em sentido contrário se projectam as preocupações dos nossos cientistas: em períodos anteriores e sobre condições semelhantes registou-se na Terra e a nível global a um grande incremento da actividade sísmica e vulcânica (com consequências dramáticas), sobretudo em locais já com um grande historial de antecedentes similares (como a falha de New Madrid). Como o é entre outros o caso dos Estados Unidos da América.


Daí o interesse em escutar o que dizem alguns dos mais destacados cientistas e especialistas em sismologia e vulcanologia, quando se pronunciam sobre estes assuntos tão importantes: como o é o Meio Ambiente que protege a raça Humana.


Space and Science Research Corporation



New Madrid Seismic Zone


Earthquake and Volcano Threat for USA Increases
(June 8, 2015 Press Release 3-2015)


In a rare letter to Mr. Craig Fugate, the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), has disclosed that we are about to enter a potentially catastrophic period of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout the United States.

The letter was signed by SSRC President, Mr. John Casey, and delivered to FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C. today. In the letter, Mr. Casey outlines how the ongoing dramatic reduction in the Sun's energy output will not only plunge the world into a decades-long cold epoch, but at the same time bring record geophysical devastation in monster earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These cold climate periods called "solar hibernations" or "solar minimums," are well known phenomena in the solar physics community. The SSRC has done important pioneering work in the field of solar- climate modeling and has established itself as a leader in climate prediction and the study of these hibernations of the Sun.

Citing new research included in the SSRC's semi-annual Global Climate Status Report (GCSR) to come out on Wednesday, the letter to FEMA's Craig Fugate contained an important warning for all major earthquake fault zones and volcanically active areas. The research focuses especially on the increased threat for the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) between St. Louis and Memphis.

This new threat information is contained in one of several papers in the June 10 edition of the GCSR paper authored by Mr. Casey and Dr. Dong Choi, Director of Research for the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (IEVPC). The paper shows that the NMSZ is due for another calamitous quake between 2017 and 2038. Dr. Choi and Casey show that for four times in a row since the year 1450, a major quake strikes the NMSZ when the Sun has gone into a hibernation phase. This scientific revelation is what Choi and Casey believes solves the puzzle of when the next major quake will strike the area. Geologists have studied the NMSZ for many years using traditional approaches. Casey and Choi say it is the combined research from the fields of solar physics and geology that provides the best opportunity to date to estimate when the next devastating NMSZ earthquake will strike. Other scientists agree with their opinion.

For this singular reason Dr. Choi and Mr. Casey have strongly recommended to FEMA Administrator Fugate that all high risk earthquake fault zones and areas with a history of volcanic eruptions in the USA take immediate precautions to mitigate what they describe as a "period of unparalleled geophysical lethality and destruction."

Mr. Casey adds, "The very strong correlation between these solar minimums and the incidence of catastrophic earthquakes worldwide is an impressive display of how interconnected we all are to our natural world and the cycles of the Sun. It would be foolhardy to ignore in particular, the history of major earthquakes in the NMSZ and the fact that at the bottom of every solar hibernation for the past 600 years, that area has seen devastating earthquakes ranging from M6.8 to M8.0.

"While we address the New Madrid risk in this press release and in the June 10, 2016 Global Climate Status Report, the coincidence of major earthquakes with solar minimums is not limited to just that area of the US. That is why our letter to Administrator Fugate was a nationwide alert. The ~M9.0 Cascadia quake and tsunami of 1700 was at the bottom of the coldest solar hibernation period which was called the Maunder Minimum. The Great San Francisco quake of 1906 was at the bottom of another solar low point - the ‘Centennial' Minimum as it is called at the SSRC. This strong association of solar activity and the worst earthquakes and volcanic eruptions could represent the ‘missing link' for geophysical disaster prediction."

Dr. Choi (Australia) also supports Casey's opinion by saying, "The extensive research done in this area is clear in its implications. When the solar minimums arrive, the worst recorded earthquakes and volcanic eruptions strike. The last solar minimum for example, saw the largest series of earthquakes in human history in the NMSZ and the largest recorded volcanic eruption at Mt. Tambora in Indonesia. These events occurred within a few years of each other during the coldest period in the Sun's last hibernation in the early 1800's." (


O Sol poderá ter entrado num período de menor actividade. Ter decidido como provavelmente faz periodicamente ir descansar (mais um pouco) e tal como o urso que conhecemos, poupar energias e hibernar.


E com a referência prioritária temporariamente ausente (o Sol), tal como numa família ou outro tipo qualquer de organização natural, o desaparecimento da autoridade leva ao ressurgimento da rebeldia, aqui sendo os outros que aproveitando a ocasião, tomam em mãos próprias a iniciativa (os planetas).


E parcialmente liberta da constante pressão vinda do exterior e que fazia a Terra em sua defesa reforçar posições e defender-se (refugiando-se no seu interior), agora chegou a vez dela se libertar e exprimir-se: tornando as suas manifestações (vindas do interior) mais expressivas e violentas (ao serem exteriorizadas e aplicadas sobre o ambiente exterior onde vive o Homem).

(texto/inglês: – imagens: e

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 16:15

O Sol da Califórnia

Segunda-feira, 25.08.14

Entre o aparecimento de tempestades solares e a ocorrência de tremores de terra, parece haver uma concordância crescente entre a comunidade científica mundial de que a ligação será mesmo real. Como o parece confirmar o tremor de terra que abalou hoje a Califórnia, no seguimento do recrudescimento da actividade solar com a emissão de novas CME. Talvez um novo alerta para a costa ocidental dos USA, no mesmo dia em que o Sol emite mais outras CME.


Strong, shallow and extremely dangerous earthquake M6.0 hit San Francisco Bay Area, California




A strong and shallow earthquake registered as M6.0 on the Richter scale hit San Francisco Bay Area, California - USA, on August 24, 2014, at 10:20 UTC (03:20 local time). USGS is reporting shallow depth of 10.8 km (6.7 miles)


Epicenter was located 6 km (4 miles) NW of American Canyon, 9 km (6 miles) SSW of Napa, 13 km (8 miles) NNW of Vallejo, 14 km (9 miles) SE of Sonoma, and 82 km (51 miles) WSW of Sacramento, California.


There are 7 688 843 people living within 100 km radius.


This was the largest quake to hit the Bay Area since the 6.9 magnitude quake hit Loma Prieta nearly 25 years ago.


Powerful solar flare reaching M5.9 erupted from eastern limb





A powerful solar flare measuring M5.9 at its peak time erupted from eastern limb of the Sun on August 24, 2014, at 12:17 UTC. The event started at 12:00, peaked at 12:17 and ended at 12:25 UTC.


The source was new AR 2151 located on the south eastern limb. Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) produced by this eruption should not be Earth directed.


(texto/inglês e imagens – The Watchers)

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 21:02

California's North Coast – quake danger

Sexta-feira, 14.03.14

A potent threat of major earthquake off California's northern coast

(Los Angeles Times)


Risk of a monster quake and tsunami off California's North Coast is greater than researchers once thought.

If a 9.0 earthquake were to strike along California's sparsely populated North Coast, it would have a catastrophic ripple effect.

A giant tsunami created by the quake would wash away coastal towns, destroy U.S. 101 and cause $70 billion in damage over a large swath of the Pacific coast. More than 100 bridges would be lost, power lines toppled and coastal towns isolated. Residents would have as few as 15 minutes notice to flee to higher ground, and as many as 10,000 would perish.

Scientists last year published this grim scenario for a massive rupture along the Cascadia fault system, which runs 700 miles off shore from Northern California to Vancouver Island.


Cascadian quake of 1700 – computer simulation


The Cascadia subduction zone is less known than the San Andreas fault, which scientists have long predicted will produce The Big One. But in recent years, scientists have come to believe that the Cascadia is far more dangerous than originally believed and have been giving the system more attention.

The Cascadia begins at a geologically treacherous area where three tectonic plates are pushing against each other. The intersection has produced the two largest earthquakes in California in the last decade — Sunday's 6.8 temblor off Eureka and a 7.2 quake off Crescent City in 2005. The area has produced six quakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater in the last 100 years, the California Geological Survey said.

Officials in Northern California as well as Oregon and Washington are beginning to address the dangers.



Cascadian subduction zone – creation of a tsunami


The Cascadia fault is powerful for two reasons: It is both extremely long and it is a "megathrust" fault, in which two tectonic plates — slabs of rock roughly the size of New Mexico floating atop the Earth's molten core — are being forced underneath the gigantic North American plate.

As the smaller plates — the Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates — jam underneath the North American plate, friction builds, and the edge of the North American plate is temporarily dragged down as well.

But the North American plate is old and strong, and won't be pulled down forever.

Every several hundred years or so, the North American plate violently snaps back like a rubber band — thrusting upward with horrific power.

Sunday's quake, which erupted 50 miles off the coast, caused light to moderate shaking. No injuries or damage was reported.

But the North Coast has not always been so lucky.

On April 25, 1992, a magnitude-7.2 earthquake hit on shore near the village of Petrolia — about 30 miles southwest of Eureka — injuring 95 people, and triggering landslides and rockfalls, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

That quake was so powerful that a 15-mile stretch of beach was pushed up as much as 4 feet — leaving behind rows of dead sea urchins, mussels and sea snails.

The 1992 earthquake pushed Victorian-era homes from foundations and took down chimneys.

An aftershock sparked an electrical fire that engulfed the lone shopping center in the town of Scotia. Firefighters stood by helplessly as a ruptured water main cut off water to the hydrants.

Fires also destroyed the only general store and post office in Petrolia.

As for the next 9.0 quake, U.S. Geological Survey seismologist David Oppenheimer said: "It could be today. It could be 100 years from now."


(Excerto de artigo: Rong-Gong Lin II and Rosana Xia – Los Angeles Times – 12.03.2014)

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 23:57

Waves of Destruction: History's Biggest Tsunamis

Sábado, 22.02.14

Em 2015 cumprem-se 260 anos sobre o terramoto de 1755 – o qual atingiu o nosso país – afectando sobretudo a zona de Lisboa e a bacia do rio Tejo, o qual foi seguido dum tsunami que devastou toda a zona da baixa. Não existem previsões para um novo terramoto desta dimensão, mas entretanto – e desde já – alguém se prepara para assumir o papel de Marquês do Pombal.



The Great Lisbon Earthquake:

“On Nov. 1, 1755, a colossal earthquake centered in the Atlantic Ocean — and whose three jolts of shaking lasted 10 minutes — destroyed Lisbon, Portugal, and rocked much of Europe, people took refuge by boat. A tsunami ensued, as did great fires. Altogether, the event killed more than 60,000 people”.


(imagem e texto/inglês –

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 17:58


Quarta-feira, 16.03.11


Escola para Crianças Surdas – Rio Branco – Brasil


Mundo: nem todo o 8 é miserável!

 E Portugal?


“8 (eight) is the natural number following 7 and preceding 9”


Economia portuguesa, em mesa de bilhar técnico!


Earthquake 8.9 hits Japan followed by tsunami!




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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 01:52