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Tempestades Geomagnéticas

Terça-feira, 04.09.18

[Hoje e Ontem.]


A hole – a region where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape – in the sun's atmosphere is directly facing Earth and spewing a stream of solar wind toward our planet. It looks dark in extreme UV images of the sun because the hot glowing plasma normally contained there is missing. In this case, the gaseous material is en route to Earth. Minor geomagnetic storms are possible on Sept. 7th when the solar wind arrives. (




auroramap D.jpg


On Sept. 2, 1859, a powerful CME rocked Earth's magnetic field, causing a geomagnetic storm that set fire to Victorian telegraph offices and sparked auroras as far south as Mexico and Cuba. Now known as the




That megastorm 159 years ago is a touchstone of modern extreme space weather research. What are the odds it could happen again?


auroramap A.jpg


Sept. 2, 2018

(Dr.Tony Phillips/ September 3, 2018)


Picture this: A billion-ton coronal mass ejection (CME) slams into Earth’s magnetic field. Campers in the Rocky Mountains wake up in the middle of the night, thinking that the glow they see is sunrise. No, it’s the Northern Lights. People in Cuba read their morning paper by the red illumination of aurora borealis. Earth is peppered by particles so energetic, they alter the chemistry of polar ice.


auroramap E.jpg


Hard to believe? It really happened 159 years ago. This map shows where auroras were sighted in the early hours of Sept. 2, 1859:


As the day unfolded, the gathering storm electrified telegraph lines, shocking technicians and setting their telegraph papers on fire. The “Victorian Internet” was knocked offline. Magnetometers around the world recorded strong disturbances in the planetary magnetic field for more than a week.


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The cause of all this was an extraordinary solar flare witnessed the day before by British astronomer Richard Carrington. His sighting on Sept. 1, 1859, marked the discovery of solar flares and foreshadowed a new field of study: space weather. According to a NASA-funded study by the National Academy of Sciences, if a similar “Carrington Event” occurred today, it could cause substantial damage to society’s high-tech infrastructure and require years for complete recovery.


Could it happen again?


Almost certainly. In a paper published just a few months ago, researchers from the University of Birmingham used Extreme Value Theory to estimate the average time between “Carrington-like flares.” Their best answer: ~100 years. In other words, we may be overdue for a really big storm.


[Podendo (segundo os estudos efetuados) a repetição de um fenómeno semelhante (Evento de Carrington) estar sujeito a um ciclo de tempo (introduzindo o erro de previsão) podendo atingir uns mil anos. Ou (muito pouco provável dado o Sol encontrar-se aparentemente num mínimo solar) ser Já amanhã.]


(texto e imagens:

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 16:17

The Event – From NASA and AMS

Terça-feira, 30.06.15

Bright Sky Event Over Southeastern United States – June 29
(NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration)



The Event
(registo da trajectória do objecto)


There was a bright event seen across several Southeast states last night at 12:29:30 AM CDT (1:29:30 EDT). Based on the data we currently have, this object was not a meteor or fireball. Tracked by 5 NASA cameras in the SE, it is moving at roughly 14,500 miles per hour, which is too slow to be a meteor. As you can see ... it has also broken into multiple pieces, which, combined with the slow speed, indicates a possible reentry of space debris. There are over 120 eyewitness accounts on the American Meteor Society website. (


Possible space debris reentry seen over Georgia
(AMS – American Meteor Society)



The Event
(AMS Event #1420-2015 – © by Travis shugart @tshugart)


The AMS received over 150 reports of a bright fiery object traveling from the south west to the north est over Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.
The American Meteor Society received over 150 reports about a slow moving grouping of bright fiery objects traveling from the south west to the north east. Witness reports indicate, the objects were seen from as far west as Louisiana and as far north as West Virginia. The phenomenon was seen from Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia and Mississippi on Monday, February 29th 2015 around 01:30 PM EDT.
A witness from Floria described it as, “two bright objects close together, both with long tails…gradually separated as they crossed the sky.”
This description is typical for what a space debris reentry would look like. As the space junk breaks apart in the atmosphere each nut, bolt or fragment of glass or metal will create a mini fireball. These objects generally travel much slower than fireballs and cover wider distances. Most of the witnesses reported the event lasting more tha 45 seconds, where as a normal fireball would last 3-5 seconds. The long duration time, witness descriptions and long distance of travel suggest this object was some type of space debris.
Bill Cooke from NASA’s Meteor office estimated the speed of the event at 6-7 km/s and the entry angle near 0 (very flat.)
It is possible that this event was the early reentry of the SL-6 Rocket Body 2 which is part of the Russian Cosmos 2196 Missle Early Warning system.


(texto e imagem – NASA & AMS)

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 23:31

O Cometa Zombie

Sábado, 05.11.11

Elenin chega na primeira quinzena de Novembro, após um passeio à volta da nossa estrela. No caminho em direcção ao Sol, a NASA afirma que o cometa se desintegrou e que “já era”. Agora e no regresso, pelos vistos “ainda é”, o que vai levar a agência espacial norte-americana, a uma aplicada e cuidada observação do fenómeno, da passagem do cometa.



Elenin – em 6 de Agosto de 2011 e comparando-o com as dimensões da Terra e da Lua

(nem um pixel o representa, o que não quer dizer nada, sobre as consequências catastróficas de um impacto do cometa, com um destes astros)



Teorias conspirativas afirmam que Elenin é uma nave espacial

(esta afirmação chegou a ser veiculada diversas vezes por astrónomos russos e confirmada por outras entidades responsáveis de leste)


Este cometa está ligado a muitas incertezas e teorias conspirativas anunciando o “fim do mundo”, muito por culpa das entidades responsáveis por nos esclarecer, neste caso a NASA, que em vez de exercer o seu trabalho em prol do esclarecimento de toda a comunidade, leiga e erudita, só nos mergulha em confusões constantes, devido às suas sucessivas (e premeditadas?) contradições e desprezo por toda a comunidade, nos esclarecimentos a prestar. Quando algo se aproxima convém avisar as pessoas, seja boa nova, má nova ou nenhuma – ou então as consequências poderão ser um choque, com resultados muito graves e imprevisíveis.


Conspirações e encobrimentos


Passagem do asteróide 2005 YU55

(o cometa Elenin ao passar nas proximidades da Terra, terá ainda a companhia do asteróide 2005 YU55 – na zona indicada no mapa)


“Elenin” significa para muitos teorizadores da conspiração e encobrimento, “Eleven Nine” ou seja “11/09”, dia da chegada do cometa – já repararam a coincidência com as datas do ataque às torres gémeas de Nova Iorque?

Outros traduzem “Elenin” de uma forma mais catastrófica: “Ele+nin” traduzido como, “extinction level event+nibiru is near”.

Até o próprio indivíduo que descobriu o cometa – Leonid Elenin – é posto em causa: será que alguma vez existiu? Não será o seu nome apenas um código de aviso?

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 12:46