Um espelho que reflecte a vida, que passa por nós num segundo (espelho)
Diurético como Arma
“Não basta arranjar um bode expiatório em caso de acidente para nos convencerem que o próximo voo é seguro. Depois dos dois acidentes mortais registados com dois aviões das linhas aéreas da Malásia, já ninguém acredita (como explicação) em coincidências ou outros derivados tóxicos.”
Germanwings co-pilot may have spiked captain’s drink
Lubitz e o que restou do Airbus A320
O assunto relacionado com o despenhamento nos Alpes franceses do Airbus A320 da companhia de aviação alemã Germanwings (ocorrido no passado dia 24 de Março), pelos vistos continua verdadeiramente explosivo e fumegante, com suposições verdadeiramente surpreendentes a serem divulgadas por instituições oficiais, quando o seu dever deveria ser o de contenção e o de investigação – nunca o de imediata (e circunstancial) condenação.
Com o co-piloto Andreas Lubitz a ser acusado do assassinato de 149 pessoas ao atirar deliberadamente o Airbus contra as montanhas do maciço alpino (no seu trajecto Barcelona Dusseldorf) – um indivíduo que estaria afectado tanto psíquica (depressão) como fisicamente (visão), que se libertara do seu piloto com um estratagema bem pensado num momento preciso do trágico voo e que de seguida apontara o avião em descida acelerada em direcção ao solo (como se fosse aterrar) – como o comprovaram as gravações obtidas a partir da primeira caixa negra do Airbus A320 e rapidamente reveladas a toda a comunicação social, apontando segundo os investigadores institucionais (os únicos que a ouviram) para uma acção deliberada por parte do dito co-piloto (fechando-se no cockpit, apontando o avião para os Alpes e tranquilamente deixando-se ir – como o comprova a sua respiração normal).
No entanto muitas pessoas independentes e que já assistiram um pouco por todo o mundo a casos muito semelhantes ou apenas nalguns pontos coincidentes, acham que tanta explicação apenas sobre um ponto entre tantos pontos necessários de investigar, pode não ser o caminho para se chegar à verdadeira solução: muitas das vezes não passando (a solução) de uma simples opção (seja de quem for e por que razão for).
E como tal desconfiam. Tudo se agrava no cepticismo dessas pessoas quando outros factores interligados e resultando de mais outras suposições delirantes (pois não se apoiam em factos) se adicionam e com o tempo (não com indícios) se tornam certezas.
Ainda poderemos aceitar que a segunda caixa negra apareça sem cartão de memória, desapareça de seguida e de novo apareça mas agora completa. Ainda poderemos acreditar que todos os dados desta segunda caixa confirmem os da primeira e as duas em conjunto confirmem os investigadores – que por sua vez já de tudo sabiam, mesmo antes de o confirmarem).
Agora quando se acrescenta cada vez que se fala e para nosso maior convencimento mais um corno ao já tão cornudo Diabo, o povo só desconfia. E com isso se resolve mais uma desconfiança que até as crianças notaram.
Como é que o co-piloto resolvera o problema do xixi de modo a obrigar o piloto a ir à casa de banho?
Pelos vistos foi agora introduzido no guião deste imenso e real filme/tragédia um novo, fundamental e extremamente esclarecedor dado: cronometricamente falando o co-piloto teria colocado propositadamente no café do piloto um medicamento (diurético), que no exacto momento a determinada altitude e velocidade o forçara a sair do cockpit e dirigir-se ao WC. Pois.
(imagem – AP/Reuters)
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Stunning Developments in the Germanwings 4U9525 Investigation
All the Conspiracy Questions Wrapped Up Nicely
(Scott Creighton – – 03.04.2015)
Procurador de Marselha Brice Robin
(a quem foi entregue o caso do desastre envolvendo o avião da Germanwings)
The investigation into the crash of Germanwings 4U9525 is wrapping up nicely. All the sticky questions have been answered yesterday with the discovery of two new pieces of evidence. The question of the pilot’s unexplained suicide, the entry door issue and of course the mysterious black box have all been answered in one fell swoop.
Nothing to see here folks. All the pesky conspiracy questions have been resolved. Go back to sleep. Your government is in control.
Back and to the left. Back and to the left. Back and …..
The French prosecutor has announced that they “found” the missing flight data recorder that had somehow popped out of its bright orange hardened stainless steel casing and went missing for a week.
Turns out, they “found” it in an area that had already been searched but since it was the same color as a rock in the area, and because it was buried in the ground and burned up, they missed it.
“The second black box, the DFDR, was found by a female gendarme from Chamonix,” he said.
“This box was the same colour as the rock. It was found to the left of a ravine that had already [been] searched but it was embedded. It had to be dug out. It had obviously been in the fire, because it is charred, however, its general state leads us to hope there is a possibility that it can be exploited.” (Guardian)
Ok. So she was digging around in an area that had already been searched, next to a rock, in the dirt and there it was, burned, under ground.
However, some information is going to be missing obviously because it was “charred”.
Got it.
Reports are already coming out that it will confirm their conclusion (they’ve been pushing since day one) that the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, is guilty.
The second black box from the crashed Germanwings plane confirms the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz acted deliberately, French investigators said Friday. He repeatedly accelerated the airline as he crashed it into a mountain in the French Alps killing 150 people, according to the French BEA crash investigators. “The pilot in the cockpit used the automatic pilot to descend the plane towards an altitude of 100 feet (30 meters). Then, several times during the descent, the pilot changed the automatic pilot settings to increase the aircraft’s speed,”BEA said, as cited by the Telegraph. (RT)
The autopilot set the altitude, flew the plane on the descent and accelerated the plane during the descent… so Andreas is obviously guilty because… he was heard breathing normally on the cockpit voice recorder.
The other piece of evidence discovered yesterday was a tablet computer found in Andreas’ apartment.
According to prosecutors, this new piece of evidence solves a couple problems that have arisen in their investigation of the co-pilot… namely the fact that no one who knew him or flew with him seems to think he was suicidal and people who have done some investigation into the subject (as well as his fellow pilots) have concluded there was no way for him to “lock out” the pilot or flight crew from the cockpit.
Andreas Lubitz, the Germanwings co-pilot believed to have deliberately crashed flight 4U9525 last week, did online research into cockpit doors and suicide methods in the days leading up to the crash, according to Düsseldorf prosecutors…
… “The browser history had not been deleted, in particular search terms called up using this device in the time from 16 March to 23 March 2015 could be reconstructed,” Thursday’s statement from Herrenbrück said.
“According to these, the user was, on the one hand, looking into medical treatments and, on the other, learning about the different methods and possibilities of committing suicide.”
On at least one day, according to the statement, Lubitz had spent several minutes entering search terms about cockpit doors and their security arrangements.
The user name, personal correspondence and search terms found on the tablet all appeared to confirm that the device belonged to Lubitz, Herrenbrück said. He added that they would not be releasing the exact search terms used and that the device was still being examined. (Guardian)
Browsing history? That’s almost as good as a confession note written on the inside of a tiny little boat that no one found for a couple of weeks isn’t it?
He was looking up methods of suicide AND technical data on the cockpit door. That should shut up those conspiracy theorists, huh?
I wonder if he found “crash the plane using autopilot” under “ways to whack one’s self”
I wonder why it is this guy who worked with these cockpit door locking systems felt the need to look one up online for “several minutes”?
I wonder how it is that flight data recorder got burned while buried in the ground? The plane wasn’t on fire til it hit the ground. In fact, it wasn’t on fire until after it hit the ground. What a coincidence they found it on the same day they found the tablet.
Anyway, it is good to know that the United States isn’t the only country with a completely corrupt federal investigative bureau.
(texto: Scott Creighton/ – imagem: Web)