Um espelho que reflecte a vida, que passa por nós num segundo (espelho)
América – Morte aos Muçulmanos
Quando se descarta a Memória e a Cultura para assim se poder Refazer a História, as consequências podem ser mortais.
"It's so freaking sad to hear people saying we should "kill Jews" or "Kill Palestinians". As if that's going to solve anything.
(Barakat – texto do jovem assassinado)
3 Members Of Muslim Family Shot Dead In Chapel Hill
Barakat (23 anos), Yosur (21 anos) e Razan (19 anos)
It was execution style, a bullet in every head.
(pai das duas jovens assassinadas)
My cousin, his wife and sister in law were murdered for being muslim. Someone tell me racism/hate crimes don't exist. Muslim Lives Matter.
(prima do jovem assassinado)
Os três jovens estudantes foram mortos (ontem) cada um deles com um tiro na cabeça e a justificação até agora apresentada/sugerida pela polícia, assenta em problemas de estacionamento e de ruído, de que o assassino se tinha vindo a queixar há já algum tempo: pelos vistos a morte dos três jovens muçulmanos (a tiro), foi a sua resposta ao problema (de estacionamento).
Por acaso a generalidade dos meios de comunicação norte-americanos (regionais ou nacionais) preferiram ignorar o trágico e mortal incidente, como referiram elementos locais – família, amigos e respectiva comunidade. Para os responsáveis (sejam eles quem forem) tratava-se de um caso muito delicado! Mais valia não falar (prevenir) e ver o que iria acontecer (e então remediar).
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Autoria e outros dados (tags, etc)
A Ética da Guerra
“Quando fizer anos vou pedir aos meus pais para me darem um avião telecomandado, já que quando for grande quero ir trabalhar para os EUA e formar-me em Técnico Superior Operador de DRONES: são precisos, cirúrgicos e até provocam danos colaterais”
Nek Muhammad
Pashtun militant who was killed in 2004 in the first C.I.A. drone strike in Pakistan
On a hot day in June 2004, the Pashtun tribesman was lounging inside a mud compound in South Waziristan, speaking by satellite phone to one of the many reporters who regularly interviewed him on how he had fought and humbled Pakistan’s army in the country’s western mountains. He asked one of his followers about the strange, metallic bird hovering above him.
Less than 24 hours later, a missile tore through the compound, severing Mr. Muhammad’s left leg and killing him and several others, including two boys, ages 10 and 16. A Pakistani military spokesman was quick to claim responsibility for the attack, saying that Pakistani forces had fired at the compound.
That was a lie.
Mr. Muhammad and his followers had been killed by the C.I.A., the first time it had deployed a Predator drone in Pakistan to carry out a “targeted killing.” The target was not a top operative of Al Qaeda, but a Pakistani ally of the Taliban who led a tribal rebellion and was marked by Pakistan as an enemy of the state. In a secret deal, the C.I.A. had agreed to kill him in exchange for access to airspace it had long sought so it could use drones to hunt down its own enemies.
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