Um espelho que reflecte a vida, que passa por nós num segundo (espelho)
Nuclear War Is Getting Increasingly Likely
While mainstream western media have been spending their time concern trolling about a “missing” Chinese tennis player who is not actually missing,
Hardly any coverage has gone toward NATO’s announcement that if the new German government does not continue to allow US nuclear weapons on its soil those weapons will be relocated to the east of Germany. This would put them closer to Russia’s border, a major provocation of Moscow and yet another step forward in the western empire’s steadily escalating game of nuclear brinkmanship. (23.11.2021)
Meanwhile the US is considering sending more weapons to Ukraine as tensions mount between Moscow and Kiev, and Vladimir Putin is warning that western powers are ignoring Russia’s red lines which are meant to serve as a deterrent to prevent escalation into full-blown nuclear war. The cold war against China has been continually ramping up as well and appears likely to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
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Os Estados Unidos da América e a Saúde do Resto do Mundo
[E qual poderá o seu papel (dos EUA) regressando em pleno (e à liderança) da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS/WHO).]
Department of Health and Human Services.
2020 Annual Report
Goal 2: Protect the Health of Americans Where They Live, Learn, Work, and Play
Strengthening Health Cooperation and U.S. Humanitarian Leadership
Combatting MALIGN influences in the Americas:
“OGA used diplomatic relations in the Americas region to MITIGATE EFFORTS by states, including CUBA, VENEZUELA, and RUSSIA, who are working to increase their influence in the region to the detriment of US SAFETY and SECURITY. OGA coordinated with other U.S. government agencies to strengthen diplomatic ties and offer technical and humanitarian assistance to DISSUEDE COUNTRIES in the region from accepting AID from these ILL-IMTENTIONED STATES. Examples include using OGA’s Health Attaché office to persuade BRAZIL to REJECT the RUSSIAN COVID-19 VACCINE and offering CDC technical assistance in lieu of Panama accepting an offer of CUBAN DOCTORS.”
[Afastado o republicano Donald Trump e agora com o democrata Joe Biden (o novo inquilino da Casa Branca) na presidência dos EUA, do ponto de vista da Europa e olhando-se para esse “Admirável Mundo Novo” (Aldous Huxley), podendo-se afirmar que “A Oeste Nada de Novo” (Erich Maria Remarque).]
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World War COVID-19 ─ USA versus RUSSIA
[Reflexo externo da sua luta interna.]
Space Force, the sixth branch of the US Armed Forces, was created in December, and will extend the US military footprint further into space to “protect American interests” and “deter aggression,” according to the Pentagon. (RT)
Com os russos a “renderem-se”
face à autoproclamada supremacia norte-americana
Donald Trump:
(Presidente dos EUA)
"We have no choice.
We have to do it, with the adversaries we have out there…
I call it the super-duper missile,
and I heard the other night [it’s] 17 times faster
than what they have right now.”
“You’ve heard Russia has [one] five times,
China is working on [one] five or six times,
and we have one 17 times faster.”
Dmitry Rogozin:
(Chefe da Agência Espacial Russa ROSCOSMOS)
“Well, we can do nothing
against the super-duper missile.”
“We surrender!”
An actual speed of Avangard, Russia’s state-of-the-art hypersonic projectile, is probably beyond the general public’s imagination as it can travel at more than 30,000km/h, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister revealed. (RT)
Manifestantes civis armados na Pensilvânia
protestando contra o confinamento
[Colocados entre “a espada e a parede” por coercivamente divididos (manipulados pelas autoridades e pelos média) entre os que apoiam “a continuação do confinamento e o fim imediato do mesmo” ─ uns identificando-se com os Democratas tentando não morrer da doença (privilegiando a Vida), os outros identificando-se com os Republicanos tentando não morrer de fome (privilegiando a Economia), sendo no entanto ambos (e infelizmente) as faces da mesma moeda ─ para além dos problemas internos refletidos nos mais de 30 milhões de novos desempregados (num estado praticamente sem deveres e não dando nenhum tipo de apoio), eis que a Administração norte-americana (Republicana, como poderia ser Democrata) prosseguindo na sua opção política externa de confrontação contínua em vez da alternativa pelo diálogo, depois da Cruzada do Exército Islâmico apoiado pela CIA e tentando subjugar o Ocidente, reforça a sua Cruzada contra os exércitos de infiéis (mas) aqui localizados a Oriente: combatendo o Eixo do Mal com sede em Pequim e Moscovo, coadjuvados pelos seus súbditos de Pyongyang, Teerão e Caracas: refletindo a nível externo o que se passa internamente ─ com algumas autoridades estaduais impondo o confinamento e não aceitando essa opção, com grupos civis armados desafiando as ordens superiores a oporem-se ao mesmo.]
(imagens: Sputnik/Sergey Mamontov/REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/ ─ AFP/
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O 1º Humanoide No Espaço Será Russo
“Russia Is About to Send a Humanoid AI Robot
to the International Space Station”
A dias do lançamento HISTÓRICO do primeiro HUMANOIDE – o SKYBOT F-850 mais conhecido por FEDOR − para o Espaço (enviado pela Agência Espacial Russa ROSCOSMOS), dirigindo-se para a ISS e aí devendo passar uma dezena de dias − antes de regressar de novo à Terra. A bordo da nova nave SOYUZ-MS e transportado pelo também novo foguetão SOYUZ-2.
1º Humanoide no Espaço
No próximo dia 22 de agosto de 2019 (quinta-feira) dando-se um novo e decisivo passo na Exploração Espacial (e indo mais além na Descoberta do Universo), depois do primeiro ser vivo a ser colocado em órbita da Terra – a cadela LAIKA em 3 de Novembro de 1957 – e do primeiro Homem a repetir a proeza – IURI GAGARIN em 12 de Abril de 1961 – seguindo-se agora a vez do primeiro Humanoide o fazer – um ROBOT com cabeça, tronco e membros, dotado de inteligência (artificial) e fazendo mesmo lembrar um Humano (fixem para a História a 22). Para os outros (e suas proezas) − e como se vê − ficando a LUA (abandonada há 50 anos).
"This [launch] will be the first stage of work with anthropomorphic systems, enabling us to proceed further into the far space," Rogozin said about the mission to the ISS.
[Fedor will be] very important for operations aimed at replacing humans in performing the riskiest tasks, including future manipulations outside space stations."
(Dmitry Rogozin/Director general of Roscosmos/
Curiosamente, mas certamente que não por acaso ou por coincidência (ou não integrássemos um mesmo Holograma), com todos estes intervenientes a terem o mesmo remetente e destinatário (comum a todos eles), sendo o mesmo designado como URSS (sob a liderança de Nikita Khrushchev) ou Confederação Russa (sob a liderança de Vladimir Putin): podendo-se assim assumir (faltando a confirmação) que o primeiro ser biológico ou mecânico a sair da TERRA e a lançar-se no ESPAÇO, não era (em princípio, pois nunca se sabe) Norte-Americano, mas sendo-o (pelo feito) excecional. Com os olhos (para uma missão a curto-prazo) já na Lua.
A 1º vez que um Robot
Se sentará na cadeira de um comandante
E tendo-se iniciado com o nome de AVATAR − em missões de recuperação e de salvamento (civis como militares) em terra (na TERRA) − sendo posteriormente reconvertido e passado a FEDOR − agora destinado para o exercício de funções no ESPAÇO – antes de retornar (a casa) preparando-se para a sua Grande Viagem: natural ou artificial (a dita inteligência) depois do Homem (o Rival-Inteligente Norte-Americano) tornando-se o 1º Humanoide (Robot-Inteligente Russo) a pisar a superfície da Lua.
(imagens: Sorokin/TASS − Ovcharov/Sputnik)
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US Bombs Syrian Army Base in Ceir Ezzor, Killing 83 Troops
ISIS Overruns Area, Threatens Key Airport After US Blunder
(Jason Ditz, September 17, 2016)
In what could prove to be the single biggest blunder of the entire US war in Syria, US warplanes today attacked a Syrian army base in the Jebel Tharda area on Deir Ezzor Province, in the ISIS-dominated eastern portion of the country, killing at least 83 Syrian soldiers and wounding 120 others.
Pentagon officials claimed they thought the site was “an ISIS tank position,” and admitted to not giving Russia a precise location before the attacks. Russian officials slammed the US over that, saying it underscored the Pentagon’s “stubborn refusal” to coordinate actions properly.
US warplanes killing 83 Syrian troops during a ceasefire may not be the worst of the story, incredibly enough. Those troops had been defending the area from ISIS, who quickly overran what was left of the base’s defenses, and are now even closer to the Deir Ezzor airport.
The airport has been one of the last major government holdouts in the Deir Ezzor capital, and at times the Syrian warplanes flying out of the airport were the only thing keeping ISIS from overrunning the entire eastern half of the country. The US airstrikes seriously softened up the defenses in the area, and might finally do what years of ISIS offensives couldn’t, put ISIS in control of the airport.
US officials expressed “regret” over the killing of the Syrian troops, but condemned Russia for requesting an emergency UN Security Council meeting, saying that the Russians “had blood on their hands” from the war themselves and wasn’t in a position to criticize the US botches.
According to Centcom, the Syrian troops were all “out in the open” at the base, and they also destroyed six military APCs and one tank. They reported they were “watching” the Syrian Army base for days before the attacks, figuring everyone there was ISIS.
(texto e imagem:
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Pontos de Vista
"US Government Loaded with Psychopathic Morons"
(Lisa Karpova – Pravda.Ru)
Rick Grenell
When Russian citizens in Ukraine are killed, it causes resentment from Russians, and they will start to put pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Therefore, it is certain that the growth in the number of victims of the militia will force the Russian President to withdraw.
And then the Ukrainian army could effectively kill their enemies. We need to provide weapons and supplies.
(Rick Grenell – ex-conselheiro do representante permanente dos EUA na ONU na presidência de George W. Bush)
(imagem –
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Paul Craig Roberts
Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West
(KWN – Eric King – December 20, 2014)
“I was listening to the news today and there were all these self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was broken and ‘would soon be an American vassal state where it belongs.' And I was listening to this rot and got to thinking, ‘How can people be so utterly stupid?’ But they are, and they are just as stupid in Washington.
“Suppose the Russian government says, ‘Well, since the attack on the ruble is political and you guys are attacking the ruble and causing us so much trouble, we are just not going to pay off the next traunch of our debt that comes due early in 2015.'
Well, the European banking system would collapse because those banks are terribly undercapitalized. Some of them have loans to Russia that almost absorb the entire capital base. So the Russians don’t even have to default. They can just say, ‘We’re not going to pay this year. We will do it later. We’ll do it when the ruble stabilizes.’ (Laughter).
So whenever the Russians want to destroy NATO, that’s all they have to do. Just call up the puppet Merkel, call up the puppet Hollande, the puppet Cameron, and say, ‘You guys really enjoy being in NATO, well let me tell you what, we no longer sell energy to NATO members.’ That’s the end of NATO and that’s the end of the cover for American power.
That would set off so many black swans. Every banking system would probably collapse because if the German banks are faced with German industry closing down, what the hell is going to happen to the banks? So all the cards are in Putin’s hands. None of them are in Washington’s hands. Putin is going to reorient Russia to the East. Then you are going to see Russia, India, and China, take over the leadership of the world. That will start in 2015.”
(textos retirados da entrevista a Paul Craig Roberts – King World News)
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O Início do Fim do Ocidente – Enforcado Numa Nota de Dólar
Who needs the United States? Not Russia and China
(retirado de: Michael Snyder – The Economic Collapse Blog)
Russia reached a $400 billion deal to supply gas to China through a new pipeline over 30 years
(A milestone between the world's largest energy producer and the biggest consumer)
Russia and China have just signed what is being called "the gas deal of the century", and the two countries are discussing moving away from the U.S. dollar and using their own currencies to trade with one another. This has huge implications for the future of the U.S. economy, but the mainstream media in the United States is being strangely quiet about all of this.
Showdown in Ukraine stems from Brzezinski's desire to chop Russia into pieces
(retirado de: Mike Whitney – Counterpunch)
"Comrade Wolf knows who to eat, and he eats without listening to anyone."
(Russian President Vladimir Putin referring to the United States)
"Russia's longer-term role in Eurasia will depend largely on its self-definition...Russia's first priority should be to modernize itself rather than to engage in a futile effort to regain its status as a global power. Given the country's size and diversity, a decentralized political system and free-market economics would be most likely to unleash the creative potential of the Russian people and Russia's vast natural resources. A loosely confederated Russia - composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic, and a Far Eastern Republic - would also find it easier to cultivate closer economic relations with its neighbours. Each of the confederated entitles would be able to tap its local creative potential, stifled for centuries by Moscow's heavy bureaucratic hand. In turn, a decentralized Russia would be less susceptible to imperial mobilization." (Zbigniew Brzezinski – A Geostrategy for Eurasia)
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O Futuro Negro dos Estados Unidos da América (e da Europa também)
Russia & China
To Bring On Worst Nightmare For US Authorities
When you look at what’s really unfolding around the world, it’s like a race to the edge of a cliff, and yet the markets are still being aggressively manipulated. But the real problem for the West is the U.S. dollar is in jeopardy. I believe the Russians and the Chinese know this and so they are just biding their time.
I think Putin is playing his cards very well over there. I also think the West is basically impotent in this situation. I don’t see anything happening over in Ukraine as a positive development for the West. The last thing the world needs is more geopolitical turmoil because of all the problems we already have in the economic and financial spheres.
It’s not just the Ukraine, it’s the Middle East, and it’s the South China Sea. I was also reading over the weekend that Thailand is now on the verge of blowing up. Kenya is becoming increasingly more lawless and the Central African Republic is a mess. The world is just lurching toward a crisis and the destabilization on the geopolitical front will just add fuel to the fires that are already about to erupt in the financial system.
The United States better be careful doing that because I think the Chinese and the Russians could attack the U.S. currency and bring on the worst nightmare the U.S. authorities could ever imagine. The West is impotent in Ukraine, so the U.S. is trying to attack Russia in the markets. But as I said, they better be careful because those tactics may end up blowing up in the faces of the central planners in the United States.
(John Embry/Industry expert in precious metals –
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Is World War 3 Imminent?
Russia vs USA
Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin
Ukraine’s population is split, roughly 50/50, between those who are “pro EU/US” and those who are “pro Russia”. The recent “revolution” and change of government in Ukraine has exacerbated political, ethnic and religious divisions (as all US-inspired provocations do, and are designed to do) among the Ukrainian people. At present, the US-backed government in Kiev and its supporters in Western Ukraine are lobbying the UN security council and NATO (the US military mainly) to “look at all ways to protect its territorial integrity.” At the same time, the newly declared ‘independent’ parliament in the Crimean peninsula has called on Russia to protect its ‘integrity’. All of which appears to shape up as the opening gambit in a possible military confrontation between the USA and Russia. So, is the real war that never came during the ‘cold war’ about to kick off?