Um espelho que reflecte a vida, que passa por nós num segundo (espelho)
Your Brain
Simple trick unleashes your brain's capacity to handle negativity and bad news
Brain´s capacity to handle negativity
If you live in the real world, you're going to encounter bad news and negativity every single day.
For many of us, it's a lot to cope with. However, research has revealed a counter-intuitive little trick that puts your brain the best possible position to deal with reality.
In fact, your brain has much more capacity to assimilate negativity that you might realize.
Most people, upon encountering bad news or a negative person, go into avoidance mode. It turns out that this is the very opposite of what you brain needs you to do. Attempting to shut out negative thoughts and feelings only thwarts the brain's process of digesting these experiences and letting them go.
So, you put these thoughts out of your mind, but then have to keep fighting them off all day long (because your brain isn't done with them). Then,
• Negative tension festers in your stomach, chest and shoulders.
• It clutters your thoughts and distracts you from the task at hand.
• It causes chronic stress and physical ailments (tense muscles, digestive problems and lethargy).
Negative stress is exhausting!
Your brain is ready to handle all things bad - and handle them permanently if you allow it to.
You just have to know what to do.
(texto parcial / The Watchers – imagem / retirada da Web)
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Robot suicida-se na Áustria
O modelo 760 – um simples funcionário de limpeza – não resistiu ao stress profissional
É notícia esta semana o primeiro caso conhecido de suicídio entre robots. O caso ter-se-á passado recentemente na Áustria quando um robot cansado das suas inúmeras e repetitivas tarefas domésticas – que lhes tinham sido atribuídas pelos seus donos – entrou em depressão profunda e num estado de paranóia crescente, ligando-se automaticamente e sem qualquer tipo de intervenção humana, colocando-se de seguida em cima do disco do fogão e deixando-se imolar até ao fim.
Os bombeiros levantaram a hipótese de não se tratar de um caso de suicídio, mas de um simples acidente profissional: “Bad Robot”!
(imagem – Web)
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(cartoon – Sapo)