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Times − Personalidade do Ano 2019

Quarta-feira, 11.12.19

Greta Thunberg


Since our leaders are behaving like children, we will have to take the responsibility they should have taken long ago. We have to understand what the older generation has dealt to us, what mess they have created that we have to clean up and live with.” (Greta Thunberg)



Greta Thunberg

The Swedish teenager who has transformed the global climate change debate,

has been named TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year 2019,

making her the youngest person ever to received the nod.



You’ll Die of Old Age, We’ll Die of Climate Change.

(poster VERDE)


Adults Ruin Everything. Stop Brexit.

(demonstração anti-BREXIT)



Greta Thunberg

De louca e perigosa (Jeremy Clarkson/Top Gear)

a doente mental (Jair Bolsonaro/presidente Brasil)

com a revista TIMES a nomeá-la personalidade do ano (de 2019)


E concluindo a RT (canal de televisão global/estatal/russa emitido em inglês, com sede em Moscovo e segundo os EUA, sendo a Voz do Dono, Vladimir Putin) sobre o Mundo, os Adultos e as Crianças (ou seja, no conflito geracional originado no aumento da razão Velhos/Novos > 1 quando deveria ser Velhos/Novos < 1) − pondo em causa a sugestão  (remetentes/jovens) apontando os suspeitos do costume (destinatários/velhos):


It’s a symptom of a sick & confused world when adults make children their leaders.” (


(imagens: TIME Magazine/ e

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 22:58