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Sexta-feira, 17.04.20

[Uma ajuda para a compreensão de como a estratégia de TRUMP é apenas “o reflexo da estratégia dos diversos poderes instalados nos EUA” (Pentágono pelos Militares, Republicanos e Democratas pelos Civis), com os trabalhadores ─ “com direitos iguais a zero ou perto disso” ─ a imporem o regresso ao trabalho mesmo em plena Pandemia, “preferindo morrer da doença que morrer de fome”.]


Coronavirus crisis raises questions about workplace safety agency (OSHA)”

(Donovan Slack and Dennis Wagner/USA TODAY/Apr 16, 2020/



Workers are separated by sheeting

at a Tyson Foods plant in Camilla, Georgia.


In South Dakota, the virus struck hundreds of workers at a single pork processing plant. In Illinois and Michigan, a half dozen grocery workers died and others fell ill. In New York, COVID-19 has claimed the lives of dozens of transit employees. Among health care workers, at least 27 have died and 9,200 have contracted the virus.


As the country contemplates returning more employees to work and reopening the economy, the key federal agency tasked with ensuring workplace safety is drawing withering criticism from advocates who say the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is falling down on the job. (continua)




(texto/legenda/inglês: ─ imagem: Tyson Foods)

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publicado por Produções Anormais - Albufeira às 17:29